Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Color Harmony
  • Different complements/harmonies -> 
  • Analogous
  • Split
  • Triad
  • Tetradic
  • Quadrilateral
Color Palettes
  • Different color palettes can invoke mood, location and emotion. For example (Pop Art, Russian Poster Art, Metal, Earth, Beach, Flowers, Fruit, Vegetables.
  • Color Properties (Cool, Warm, Bright, Dark, Saturated, Desaturated.) 
  • Color Intensity: Intensity changes in relation to its surrounding color.
Color Associations
  • These types of color associations are universal to all people
Why color matters
  • 73% of purchasing decisions are now made in store
  • Color also increases brand recognition by up to 80%
Color Affects
  • Appetite: Blue is rare occurrence in nature.
  • We have no appetite response to blue food.
  • Mind: Pink is a tranquilizing color that drains your energy.
  • Used prisons, holding cells, opposing team locker rooms.
  • Optimism: Yellow, Friendly: Orange, Excitement: Red,  Creative: Purple, Trust: Blue, Green: Peaceful

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