Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Logo, Branding and Identity: Notes Part 2

Why do we use Vector Art?

  • We create logos as vertor art because it's flexible, powerful and easily edited, this is important when clients want to make changes.
  • Vector art can be scaled up infinitely without losing quality!
Pencil to Vector
  • Creating a logo design requires many phases.
  • Many meetings and review sessions are required to arrive at adesign that works.
  • Converting a simple pencil sketch or vector art requires establishing graphic style, color, line shape and typography.
Final Art: Graphic Style
  • Decide what your design style will be
  • Will it be bold, simple and cute?
  • Will it be sleek, technical and sedate?
  • Will it be high tech and 3D?
  • There is a wide range of styles to choose.
  • Choose what fits your concept and market.
Final Art: Line Quality and Shape
  • Line quality: refers to the smoothness and precise nature of your lines.
  • We use the Pen Tool to create perfect smooth lines.
  • Line shape: If you have line art in your logo your line shape is important.
  • Do you want an artistic look to your line? Try a custom "Art Brush" from the brush Library in IA
Color Matters!
  • Color makes a huge difference, use colors that are appropriate for your design.
Logo Design: General Rules and Styles for Designing Logo's
  1. Don't pull a "GAP"!
  2. Describable?
  3. Effective without color?
  4. Memorable?
  5. Scalable?

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